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Academic Registry and Council Secretariat

World Education Services (WES)

There are two methods that Queen Mary graduates can use to share their documents with WES, please read the guidance below and choose one option. For MBBS graduates, please contact your school to request this service. For Research students, please contact the Research Degrees Office.

1. Send your Transcript via Email

Queen Mary University of London and World Education Services (WES) have an established process through which digital copies of transcripts can be sent to WES directly from Queen Mary. A WES Academic Records Request form is not required. 

Please follow the instructions below: 

  1. Order and pay for your Digital transcript through our EShop page. 
  2. In your order (under "Additional Information Required"), please state that your digital transcript is to be sent to WES and include your WES reference number. 
  3. We aim to process your order within 10 working days; all WES orders will be sent to and your email address will be copied in for your reference. 

2. Share your Transcript via Gradintelligence (HEAR)

Please check that you are HEAR eligible should you wish to use this option. 

Your HEAR Reports are stored on the Gradintelligence platform, these can be shared directly with WES and not require further verification from Queen Mary University of London. 

The procedure for sharing your document is as follows:  

  1. Log into your account via the Gradintelligence platform.
  2. On the homepage, you will need to select the ‘Share’ option next to your chosen document. 
  3. This will take you into a ‘Share Document’ screen. Complete each field to specify the share parameters and recipient information and click ‘Continue’.  
  4. When you wish to share your HEAR; you will note there is a small box of text to enter a message - ‘message to recipient’ - that will accompany your HEAR. Please ensure you enter your WES Number here.  Please see WES’s page for guidance on how to share your required documents electronically and which email to send them to. 
  5. Watch how to share your HEAR on the QMULOfficial YouTube channel. 
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