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Directorate of Governance and Legal Services


Item  Paper
 1. Welcome and apologies   N/A
 2. Minutes of the meeting held on 08 June 2021   ARC2021-01 [PDF 63KB] 
 3. Matters arising   ARC2021-02 [PDF 468KB]

 4. Strategic Risk Management

 Deep dive on student recruitment

 Strategic Risk Register 



 5. Annual report on research integrity   ARC2021-05 [PDF 47KB]

 6. External audit

 Progress on actions from the 2020 management letter 

 Interim comments on the 2021 audit

 Draft narrative and accounting estimates for the Financial Statements 


 Oral report



 7. Internal audit

 Internal audit plan 2021-22 final draft

 Planned internal audit reports

 Update on internal audit recommendations

 Draft annual report and Head of Internal Audit opinion 2020-21





 8. Cyber security bi-annual report  ARC2021/12
 9. PGT consumer protection compliance  ARC2021/13

 10. Whistle blowing cases since the last meeting

 Annual summary of disclosures 2020-21 

 ARC2021-14 [PDF 158KB]
 11. Fraud/financial irregularities occurring since the last meeting   Oral report
 12. CUC HE Audit Committee Code of Practice mapping  ARC2021-15 [PDF 186KB]
 13. Audit and Risk Committee annual report 2020-21 draft 1  ARC2021-16 [PDF 116KB]
 14. Draft agenda for the next meeting   ARC2021-17 [PDF 33KB]
 15. Update on external audit tender  Oral report
 16. Any other business  N/A
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